Entertainment. The most extensive area where a variety of AR solutions are designed for a wide range of users, starting from a very young age. This is the use of visual effects in films, TV shows, games (it's time to remember the sensational Pokémon GO), as well as the use of technology in attractions or quests related to the need to lay a route to move around the city or any other area.
Medicine. Currently, AR technologies in medicine are being developed in several directions at once. This includes preoperative 3D planning, navigation of organs and instruments in the process of intervention, and even special developments for people with certain conditions. For example, a device designed for people with hearing problems has already been introduced and is successfully operating. It takes sound information and processes it into a visual or text format.
Industry. In the manufacturing sector, augmented reality can be used both at the stage of designing and presenting layouts, and at the time of direct operation of the equipment. One of the promising possibilities of this area is the repair and maintenance of complex equipment or the effective organization of the work of field employees at the facility through real-time communication with a specialist from anywhere in the world and visual prompts that pop up on top of the repaired equipment.
Sales. Quite often, augmented reality technologies are used to increase interest in products, create a show or an unusual product presentation. On the other hand, AR is increasingly used from a purely practical point of view. For example, the sale of books with QR codes has already been launched, allowing not only to read about an object or event of interest, but also to consider every detail or action of a character. When selling products, more and more customers are offered technologies right in the showrooms that allow them to customize colors and see all the functions of the product.
Logistics. To optimize logistics processes, solutions have already been developed that allow the operator to find the necessary product by building the shortest route to it. Installing special sensors and connecting them to a common system allows you to quickly take inventory and improve the quality of logistics services.
Education. With the help of augmented reality, pupils and students can study astronomy, observing a full map of the solar system right in front of them, or get acquainted with human anatomy, considering the structure and functioning of various organs or systems. When learning to play musical instruments using AR technology, you can view musical notes in real time.
Tourism. With the help of augmented reality, travel agents can not only demonstrate the resort of interest to the tourist in all its glory, but also provide useful practical experience before starting the trip. So, you can visually demonstrate the path from the hotel to a significant sight or show how and where to buy a ticket for the metro or the theater, show where the cafes with the most authentic cuisine are located.
Art. AR technologies have made art more accessible to ordinary people. They are actively used in architecture, visual and theatrical arts, allowing the visitor to learn more about the subject of art.