There are more than a dozen classifications of maintenance, but the most popular and significant is its division into routine and planned maintenance.
· Routine maintenance is carried out directly by the production staff at a specified time interval. This can be inspection and control of equipment after each shift, lubrication, temperature control, visual control of the wear of components and mechanisms.
· Planned maintenance is carried out exclusively by the company’s repair service personnel or representatives of specialized organizations. After a set period of time, they carry out work on diagnostics, control of tuning and adjustment of the performance characteristics of the equipment, as well as topping up and changing oil, replacing filters.
Repair of industrial equipment is divided into routine, overhaul and unscheduled repair.
· Routine repair involves disassembly and assembly of individual components and is aimed at ensuring the operability of the unit until the next scheduled repair.
· Overhaul is carried out in order to fully restore the resource of the equipment. During it, the equipment is completely disassembled, components and parts are repaired. During the overhaul, partial or complete modernization of equipment is also possible.
· Unscheduled or emergency repairs are carried out due to the sudden failure of equipment. It can be both routine and overhaul, depending on the consequences of accidents.
All results of changes in the condition of the serviced equipment during routine or scheduled maintenance, as well as a result of repairs carried out, must be recorded in a mandatory manner. It is most convenient to do this using automated control systems.